Festival In the Park

On Sunday, September 22nd, the CPAA Dance Company performed at Festival In The Park. Festival In the Park is a fun-filled event to promote and stimulate interest in the arts. There were over 180 artists and crafts people who demonstrated and displayed their art. There is also many food vendors and rides for the kids, just like a fair or a carnival. It was held in Freedom Park. 

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Miss Siara and the ladies at Festival In The Park

The CPAA Dance Company was invited to perform at the park as a part of the Charlotte Dance Festival. Cameron and Toni performed their solos, and we had a group perform "Church" from last year's repertoire. Our girls were amazing! So many people came up to the girls to congratulate them on how well they performed. Way to go ladies!

We have a few more performances coming up. I'll keep you all posted!


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