Community Service for the Kiddies!

On Saturday, May 20th, member of the CPAA Dance Company and the CPAA Kidz Crew completed a community service project for a ministry called "Moved by Compassion".

"Moved by Compassion" focuses on helping provide food and day to day items to homeless men and women. They collect items and bags and pass them out to the homeless on Sunday afternoons. Our goal was to make 50 total kits. The kits included everyday items such as deodorant, lotion, toothbrush/toothpaste, underwear, socks, tuna/chicken kits, vienna sausages, canned fruit, breakfasts bars, and many other items as well.

After practice on Saturday, around 6:00pm, we all brought whatever we purchased to the studio and began to sort and pack bags. We listened to music while the girls and the parents went to work. The girls were so excited to work on something that helps others. They had such a sweet spirit that made them feel so special for helping the less fortunate.

50 kits completed!

A big thanks to all of the students and moms that came to help out! It is so awesome that our girls can make a difference. Also, a big thanks to Drea, Cameron's mom, for putting this community service event together!

The girls posing together after their community service project


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