24Seven Dance Convention Results!

This past weekend, the CPAA Dance Company traveled to Atlanta GA to participate in the 24Seven Dance Convention and Competition. At a dance convention, dancers from different studios come together to take classes from awesome dance choreographers and instructors. At 24Seven, the faculty includes Twitch (So You Think You Can Dance), Sonya Tayeh (So You Think You Can Dance), Lauren Adams, Brooke Pierotti, Jess Hendricks,  Peter Chu, Francisco Gella and Anthony Hendricks.

The 24Seven stage
They took classes all day on Saturday and Sunday. They had an audition for the "Non Stop Dancer Scholarship" on Saturday. Congratulations to Hailey and Zoe for receiving a Junior (11-12 years old) Non Stop Dancer Scholarship and to Cameron for receiving a Mini (7-10 years old) Non Stop Dancer Scholarship.

In addition to auditioning for the Non Stop Dancer Scholarship, the dancers were able to receive scholarships for excellence in classes. Congratulations to Chloe, Grace and Riley for receiving class "Hi Five" scholarships!

The Rubies (Alex, Ellora and Mar'yana) took classes on Saturday with some of the faculty as a beginning introduction to the "convention world." They had a performance on stage to show what they learned. They did awesome, and they weren't nervous one bit!
Alex, Ellora and Mar'yana performing their Sidekick routines
Alex with Twitch
All of the girls competed on Friday and Saturday evenings as well. The faculty was there to judge the girls' performances. They did an awesome job...as usual! "Church" won 2nd overall Junior group, "Tango" won 2nd overall Junior Line and "Drop" (Lauren and Zoe's duet) won 3rd overall Junior duet.

Jenae, Hailey and Toni with Twitch

What a great weekend! The girls learned so much while having fun at the same time. Isn't that what dance should be about? We can't wait to attend 24Seven next year!


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